Saturday, March 6, 2010

March Madness continues

Our house work is continuing, although at a slower pace (except the laundry attempt, which has completely stopped all together).  We have continued with the craziness and ripped out the carpet in the living room area.

We have started the minor construction projects that we need  to do in the entry.

And, we finished grouting the Nook table!

As a bonus, a couple of our house plants are staring new little shoots and vines.  Looks like a little bug or something, doesn't it?

And in the spirit of things growing, I have been giving a couple of the ladies at Harvest House Farm, a local community supported agriculture project, blogging tutorials so they can easily keep the community and their members updated on the progress of their second year of production.

Here they are working in the greenhouse.

Check out their new blog at

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